Thoughts from Deb

Colorado, Episode 4

Colorado, Episode 4

August 10,11,12               I am now at the top of Windy Peak. The last mile and a half was rigorous: switchbacks, frequent stops with my hands on my knees, gulping for air. I am glad I saved this hike...

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Colorado, Episode 3

Colorado, Episode 3

August 7, 8, 9               I got to my campsite around 1:00 and set up my tent and hauled an obscene amount of dry firewood (furnished by my friends, Liz and Ramona in Denver) to the established fire...

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Colorado, Episode 2

Colorado, Episode 2

August 6, 2016 I catch a shuttle to the airport and a shuttle to PayLess and am preparing my story about last night in the hope I won’t be charged the rental for yesterday when I didn’t arrive on time....

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Golden, Colorado, 2016, Episode 1

Golden, Colorado, 2016, Episode 1

August 5, 2016               When I am going on a vacation to visit an urban area, I pack the night before. When I am going on a vacation that involves camping, I start 4-7 days ahead of time.  I...

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